Tracy Davis
Senior Business Development Manager

Ko Mahuhu ki te Rangi tōku Waka
Ko Maungakiekie me Tauwhare ōku Maunga
Ko Waitemata me te Kaipara ōku Moana
Ko Ngā Oho me Te Taoū me Te Uringutu ōku Hapu
Kō Ngāti Whatua tōku Iwi
Tracy Davis is a Senior Business Development Manager at TOA Architects. In this role, Tracy has expanded TOA’s reach through strategic partnerships and meaningful collaborations with iwi, local councils, and private stakeholders. With his background and experience in project development, Tracy has driven growth within TOA and the wider scope of New Zealand’s infrastructure and architectural sectors. Through consideration of sustainable practice, local engagement and long-term community benefits, Tracy has continued to uphold TOA’s values throughout his project involvement.